
Malquerida is a
Fresh Red Beer:
a new beer
a new style
of beer

Created by Damm's master brewers,
Ferran Adrià, Albert Adrià and their team
Inspired by
created for latin food

Malquerida was created from the obsession fascination of Ferran Adrià, Albert Adrià and their team with Latin cuisine. Latin cuisine is delicious, creative, complex and full of flavour. It is enjoyed all over the world, but there was no specific beer that would combine perfectly with its strong personality.
To create a different beer
Ferran and Albert Adrià and their team firmly believed in the need to create a special beer for Latin food. And they decided to make it together with the team at Damm. No matter what it took.

Mediterranean brewery
and latin food?
Are you Sure?

But what’s a Mediterranean brewery doing creating a beer to go with Latin food? Ferran Adrià, Albert Adrià and their team can be very persuasive. So, in early 2016, Damm said “yes”.

A year of testing,
rejecting, talent,

1. Diego Rey
During one of these sessions, and after thinking long and hard, Argentine artist Diego Rey came up with the winning name: Malquerida.

2. Too strong
At first they tried including mezcal. It gave the beer an interesting smoky flavour, but it didn’t have the freshness needed to go with such strong-flavoured cuisine.

3. Too mild
They tried beers with hints of lime, lemongrass, anise, hoja santa and many other ingredients used in Latin cuisine. But their mild flavour was overwhelmed by the intensity of the food.

4. Paco Méndez
It was then that Paco Méndez, head chef at Hoja Santa, turned up with a cocktail from his tasting menu, made with Jamaica Flower and orange. How about we add them to the beer? Delicious.

5. Colour
But that wasn’t all. The Jamaica Flower turned out to be quite a find: it was this special flower that gave the beer its wonderful red colour.

6. Albert Adrià
Yet the beer still lacked acidity and texture, which was why Albert Adrià suggested adding touches of wheat to it.

7.Damm master brewers
Damm’s master brewers developed a prototype with these latest ideas. Two months after the last session, they’d done it. The newly born beer was unanimously welcomed by all the members of the team.

8. Friends
There was still one acid test to go: getting family, friends, colleagues, customers and others to try it. And they liked it. A lot. So much so that, surprisingly, it turned out to be “very good to go with Latin food or just to drink by itself”.

2017 The First Fresh Red

For an innovative beer
This ingredient, also widely used in Latin cuisine, gives the beer a feeling of roundness and volume in the mouth.
Jamaica flower
Jamaica Flower, or hibiscus, is a flower characteristic of tropical countries and much used in Latin American cooking. It gives the beer its surprising red colour along with floral notes and freshness.
The aim was to achieve a very fresh beer, so a fruity, citrus touch of orange was perfect as it gave it extra aroma.
To achieve a bit more acidity and texture it was decided to add wheat, which contributes hints of fruit and delicate floral notes.
Hops are indispensable for the beer’s characteristic bitterness, as well as its mild spicy notes.
Malt is the basic ingredient that gives the beer structure. It also adds agreeable toasted flavours.
beer welcomed
by latin

The ideal partner
for spicy, strong
and sharp dishes
5% Vol. Alcohol by Volume
11.9ºP Original Gravity
19 Bitterness (IBU)
- Colour (EBC)
FreshType of beer